Food Service

Christine Miller CDM, CFPP
Food Service Director
Helpful Links
About Our Program
What a fantastic year to be a Bulldog! Delaware Academy’s Food Service Director Christine Miller is happy to welcome all of our students back for the new school year.
We are pleased to announce that we are now a CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) school district. CEP allows Delaware Academy Central School District at Delhi to offer breakfast and lunch meals at no charge to all our students UPK-12. Parents are encouraged to still complete the CEP income application and return to the Food Service office. Income data is used as a proxy for many education purposes in New York State and for Delaware Academy.
Breakfast and Lunch Meals

Homemade, Fresh, Local, and Delicious... that describes several of our menu items every day in our Food Service Department.
Reimbursable meals are how we nourish our students every day and help them be successful learners.
Meal components for a reimbursable meal consists of a Protein, Starch, Fruit, Vegetable and Milk to meet the requirements the State and Federal government set forth for a reimbursable meal, students are required to select at least two out of three items for breakfast and three of the five items for lunch one of those specified items must be a fruit or vegetable. Delaware Academy purchases an average of 500 pounds of fruits and vegetables every month. We encourage all our students to enjoy the wide variety of meals and 2nd choice meal options featuring local ingredients throughout the school year.
Mosaic and myschoolbucks
The Food Service Department features a new Point of Sale system for the 2024-2025 school year called Mosaic. Mosaic will still be linked to for online account payments or to view transactions. There will be no change if your students are previously enrolled in myschoolbucks. Please contact the Food Service Office or any of the main offices for Student Identification Numbers prior to registering. Parents may enter online credit card payments on the myschoolbucks website. Students may purchase their a la carte items or double meals on a cash basis or use their Food Service Accounts with the prepayment option. Again there is no charge for reimbursable meals.
Prepayment Forms
Parents of Elementary students are encouraged to submit the Prepayment Meal Form specifying what their student may purchase from their Food Service accounts.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to make our program a success. Please contact Christine Miller, Director of Food Services at 607-746-1366 or email Mrs. Miller with questions or concerns.